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Company Profile

Orell Füssli was founded in Zurich in 1519 and is today an international listed company active in the fields of security printing and technology, book retailing and publishing.

revenue 2023

CHF million

EBIT 2023

CHF million

employees 2023

Orell Füssli is a pioneer in the fields of security and education. As an expert in security solutions for the state and citizens alike and a leading Swiss book retailer, Orell Füssli provides its customers with a unique and tailored range of products and services. 

In the fields of security printing and serialisation, Orell Füssli offers innovative printing processes and services to create banknotes, value documents and identity documents and ensure their protection.

Verifiable digital credentials represent an additional new and interesting business field with great international potential to be developed in the coming years by Procivis, a subsidiary of Orell Füssli.

With its attractive large-format and specialist bookstores, Orell Füssli provides a rich book shopping experience. In book retailing Orell Füssli holds a 50% interest in Orell Füssli Thalia AG, an omnichannel company that offers a comprehensive range of products through over 50 bookstores in German-speaking Switzerland, as well as various e-commerce services. Orell Füssli supplies logistics and other services for libraries and companies.

With its publishing business, Orell Füssli concentrates on learning media, legal media and children’s books that entertain and convey knowledge.

Orell Füssli was founded over 500 years ago and is listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange.