Corporate EN

Digital Identity pioneer with eIDAS 2.0

Discover eIDAS 2.0's impact on digital identity and trust services in Europe, and learn how Procivis One can navigate these changes for your organization.

Europe's Digital Shift: Preparing for eIDAS 2.0

By 2026, EU member states will provide European Digital Identity Wallets (EUDI Wallet) to their citizens for them to receive, hold and share any kind of trusted digital certificate and ID-document, for example their eID, digital driving license or electronic health insurance card. Equipped with these wallets citizens will be able to go about many service interactions in their lives, ranging from eGovernment services to opening a bank account or renting a car.


Mandatory Integration: Navigating eIDAS 2.0

With eIDAS 2.0, private sector organizations that integrate their services with the EUDI Wallet ecosystem have a large number or competitive advantages, utilizing verified digital identities in the wallet. Businesses can simplify their customer authentication and onboarding processes, reduce fraud, and grow retention rates. These benefits will reduce cost and drive profit, driving many businesses into adoption already. For those businesses that have a legal obligation to provide secure customer authentication (like banking and insurance), eIDAS 2.0 will not be optional but a legal requirement starting from 2027.


Get Ready with a Future-Proof eIDAS 2.0 integration

Bereits heute arbeiten wir mit vielen Partnern aus dem öffentlichen und privaten Sektor an konkreten Projekten zur We are already working on concrete eIDAS 2.0 adoption projects with many of our partners in the public and private sector today. While our customers face the challenge that the technological ecosystem of eIDAS 2.0 is not finalized, working with Procivis One allows them to focus on their concrete project without worries about the state of debate on technical standards, protocols, or certification schemes.


Why is Procivis One the best choice?
  • Flexible: Our architecture includes various protocols, can be expanded, and meets eIDAS 2.0 requirements (e.g. ISO 18013 mDL, SD-JWT, JSON-LD, OpenID4VC). We handle the protocol complexity and changes for you.
  • Performant: Procivis One is scalable for millions of users and millions of credentials.
  • Operation/control: Procivis One can be installed and operated anywhere. Control lies with the operator.
  • Data protection: It meets the highest data protection requirements such as decentralized data storage, minimal disclosure, and privacy by design.
  • Enterprise-ready: The solution meets all the requirements for productive use by public authorities and companies, including support and further development.
  • End-To-End: Thanks to our in-house development, we can guarantee high quality and are independent and flexible in the further development of the solution.


Facing digital identity challenges? Connect with us and discover how Procivis One can revolutionize your approach.

To learn more about Procivis One and it's potential visit our product page or request early access to be one of the first to experience the future of digital identity.

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