Book Retailing
With its attractive large-format and specialist bookstores, Orell Füssli provides a rich book shopping experience. As market leader in the Swiss book retailing sector, it operates as an omnichannel company providing a comprehensive range of products through over 50 bookstores in German-speaking Switzerland, as well as various e-commerce services. Orell Füssli also supplies logistics and other services for libraries and companies. The book retailing business is conducted through Orell Füssli Thalia AG, which is operationally independent and in which Orell Füssli Buchhandlungs AG holds a stake.

Orell Füssli Publishers
The origins of Orell Füssli date back to 1519 when the first books were printed by Christoph Froschauer in Zurich. To this day, the publishing house continues to focus on books that are complemented by digital media. Our publications meet the highest standards of quality, verified content, and comprehensive, up-to-date knowledge.